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Plastic bottle

Plastic Good Friend or Bad Enemy

Plastic, good friend or bad enemy?

Griffith College Public Relation students decorated trees in front of Griffith College Gold Coast Building in a Christmas like manner with plastic bottles instead of decorations used to represent the conflict between the environment and plastic waste.

Go green bottle tree sustainability
Collage sustainability activities

Single use plastic bottles were hung up on trees to get attention and make people aware to reduce their use of plastic waste. Students and staff crossing the bridge were asked to put messages in their native language in bottles and hang them on the trees as part of the #plasticgoodfriendbadenemy campaign.

Griffith College Public Relation lecturer Michael Smith said the concept of this event represents a message in a bottle like an SOS. “The tree represents the environment and the plastic bottles represent all the plastic waste in the world” said Michael Smith. “Plastic is very useful and strong but when it is thrown away, it is a big problem to the environment” he further stated.

Public Relations campaign spokesperson, student Miki Muto stated that, each bottled water cost around three dollars and if we use it continually it can cost a huge amount of money. “We want you to use and buy less single use plastics” said Muto.

Leigh Pointon (Griffith College Director & Principal) participated in and welcomed the initiative encouraging students to pass the baton onto the next generation of students coming through the college to ensure continuity.

To keep an eye out on this amazing environmental initiative you can follow news on the following hashtag: #plasticgoodfriendbadenemy

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