Student Stories

Hear from some of our past students on how Griffith College prepared them for a successful career!

Meet our Alumni

Chau Le

- 2010 Griffith College Student
Diploma of Commerce
Associate Degree in Commerce and Business

Joining us from Vietnam in 2010, Chau studied a Diploma and Associate Degree before continuing her journey at Griffith University. Chau is now Admissions Manager at Griffith College, overseeing a team of staff to ensure a smooth admissions process for prospective students.

Dr. CJ Wang

- 2010 Griffith College Student
Diploma of Hotel Management

Dr. CJ Wang first joined Griffith College from China in 2010. His journey began with a Diploma of Hotel Management, followed by a Bachelor degree, Masters degree and PhD studies at Griffith University. After discovering a passion for academia, CJ now works as our Program Convenor for the Diploma of Business and Associate Degree in Business.

Dr. Mona Yang

- 2014 Griffith College Student
Diploma of International Tourism and Hospitality Management

Dr. Mona Yang first joined Griffith College from Korea in 2014. She now works as a researcher and sessional lecturer at Griffith University in her field of expertise: sustainable tourism development.