Wellbeing Support

Whether you need practical advice on time management, or emotional guidance on dealing with homesickness, we’re here for you every step of the way.

With thousands of students passing through our campuses, we’ve developed valuable insights into the challenges you might face during your time with us. It has enabled us to tailor a comprehensive range of support services to help you tackle any barriers to academic success, health or happiness.

Counselling and Wellbeing Support

Student Counsellors with experience in specific aspects of emotional wellbeing are available to offer guidance on any aspect of life that might be causing you stress or concern.

Welfare support from counsellors is available via online booking:

  • Mount Gravatt Campus: Chrissie Keynes
  • Gold Coast Campus: Melissa Wilkie-Pollard (Monday-Tuesday), Sarah Hermann (Wednesday-Friday)
  • After hours CRISIS number: 1300785442

Appointments can be made concerning issues such as:

  • Student safety
  • Loneliness, homesickness
  • Personal relationships, harassment
  • Your studies and academic difficulties
  • Financial problems
  • Personal trauma
  • Employment options
  • Concerns regarding friends and family
  • Personal health
  • Legal difficulties
  • Reporting sexual harassment and/or sexual assault

As a member of the Griffith Community, you can also access Griffith University’s free counselling and wellbeing service and some additional student services. If you require further assistance or encounter problems, the Overseas Students Ombudsman website contains information for students and private providers in English and 21 other languages.

"I have used the guidance and counselling team which is amazing; it has helped with my emotional growth and the confidence I have right now thanks to them."

In an Emergency

Call Fire, Ambulance, and Police on 000 or 112 from a mobile.

Call Griffith Health Services at:

  • (07) 3735 7299 (Nathan Campus)
  • (07) 5552 8794 (Gold Coast Campus)

Campus Support

Mt Gravatt
(07) 3735 6866
Entrance to Information Services (M23)

Gold Coast
(07) 5552 7777
Academic 1 (G01) Room 3.39

"Griffith College opened their arms to me.

Whether it’s your welfare, or you need psychological help, counselling or anything like that, Griffith College has everything available for you.” 

- Meg Galloway
Diploma of Engineering student

Health and Medical Services

We have services to promote positive life choices and deal with any medical issues that you may encounter.

Healthy living is an essential part of successful study! The Griffith University Health Service located on the Nathan and Gold Coast campuses offers bulk-billing for medical consultations for international students with a current OSHC policy and for local students covered by Medicare.

The health service provides:

  • Free nursing consultations
  • Emergency and first aid treatment
  • Preventative medical treatment
  • Treatment of ongoing/recurring conditions
  • Routine pap smears
  • Sexual health advice including testing and treatment
  • Immunisations and overseas travel vaccinations and advice
  • Referrals for x-rays, specialist treatment and ultrasounds
  • ECG recording
  • Pregnancy testing and shared care
  • Confidential needle exchange and support program
  • Health information
  • Ancillary health services include psychiatry, optometry, massage and acupuncture

Safe Campuses

We are committed to providing safe and inclusive communities, on-campus and online, which are free from harassment, bullying, discrimination and assault.

We encourage all members of the Griffith community to call out, report and seek support if disrespectful behaviours occur. 

  • For Police: Immediately phone 000
  • For Campus Security: Phone 1800 800 707 or see campus security
  • Student Counselling and Wellbeing: See above section on ‘Counselling and wellbeing support’
  • Crisis Support (24 hours / 7 days): Phone 1300 785 442
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Phone 1800 818 728 or visit the website and mention you are part of ‘Navitas’
  • Report or disclose online (can be done anonymously)


The safety of all our students, staff and visitors is paramount.

We have around-the-clock, on-campus security services to ensure you always get the assistance you need, when you need it.

Security can also arrange a Security Escort to walk you to your car, tram, bus or across campus.